The stories of the successful Italians in Silicon Valley have a meaning that goes far beyond the simple yet wonderful description of our compatriots who see their talent recognized in the most innovative and competitive environment in the world. These stories convey that innovation and competition are perfectly combined with Italianism, and for thi...

by Mauro Battocchi   Two Napolitanos featured at Italy's Consulate in San Francisco a few days ago. Along with Italy's Head of State Giorgio, in the picture, I had to honor to host Janet, the new President of the University of California, former Homeland Security Secretary and former Governor of Arizona, in person. Janet is one of the m...

Le donne nella storia italiana, se si eccettuano rare personalità celebri, sono state una sorta di lato oscuro della luna: presenti, spesso attivissime, ma ancor più spesso pressoché invisibili. Eppure la storia italiana ci ha dato personalità femminili di spicco in tutti i campi. Per quanto riguarda il mondo dell'arte, già nel Cinquecento troviam...

In a sudden, surprise announcement Friday morning, U.S. secretary of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano, is resigning.   She is set to become the first woman president of the University of California's "10-campus," education system in its "145-year history," the L.A. Times reported.   Read more   Source: http://www.bizpac...

The 70's have been an important decade among the Italian Americans: a renewed sense of pride for their heritage grew through the community, and important organization were founded. One of these is NOIAW, the National Organization of Italian American Women. Aileen Riotto Sirey, Ph.D., is one of the founders and Chair Emerita of this beloved institu...